Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT) are one of the most powerful agents in world social
development. Technology not only makes innovation possible
in the fields of economy, commerce, work, and the means of
delivery of information, culture, leisure and education, but
it also generates a human revolution based on the new uses
of traditional media and in the types of social and individual
relationships provided by the new media. We are already in
an interconnected world. The future is in communication not
as an added value good, as it is still considered at present,
but as a component of its' own essence.
Education stands out as an essential instrument
for the new change, because a profound change can only happen
as a consequence of human beings' needs, desires and aspirations.
A "non human" technology, that is to say, a technology
that leaves man aside, cannot exist, because it doesn't make
sense. Technologies are really transformers when they become
part of every day actions.
Education uses technology as a learning means
while at the same time understanding and making sense of it
in order to introduce it into society at large. In these times,
in which changes occur quickly, the new tools are necessary
for learning not only when in school but at any time, in order
to increase and update knowledge throughout life. It will
be necessary, nevertheless, to foresee dangers present in
the new media and to find an ethical path which also addresses
responsibility so that we all have the chance to share the
advantages of an interconnected world.
Red Digital magazine begins its' first issue
with more questions than answers about the influence and consequences
of information and communication technologies, but firmly
believes the proposals the technological change presents to
education and society in general.
We state the ICT's transforming and creative
potential and we use it in this new publication. Red Digital,
created using the new technological resources, contemplates
and develops aspects related to the application of the new
resources in education, identifying a specific theme as the
focus of attention in each issue, while at the same time promoting
a permanent on line communication philosophy through the different
We hope that readers follow the development
of this adventure, join our determination and help us build
a site to share experiences in the field of education and
the new information and communication technologies.